Friday, 9 May 2008

ICND1, 5th Day

CDP (only Cisco) Layer 2
1. show cdp nei
2. show cdp nei det
3. config t
4. cdp timer [60]
5. cdp holdtime [60]
6. no cdp run
7. int s0/0
8. no cdp enable

Show Memory
1. show run
2. show start
3. show flash

Erase StartUp Config
1. write erase

TFTP Configuration Backup
1. copy running-config tftp:
2. copy tftp run

IOS Backup
1. show flash (get filename)
2. copy flash tftp
1. copy tftp flash

Domian lookup
1. no ip domain-lookup
2. conf t
3. ip host [domain] [IP]

Debug Command
1. debug ip [rip]
2. conf t
3. service timestamps debug dattime msec (add timestamp inti debug info)

Cisco Security Device Manager (S1800, S2800)
1. Enable
2. conf t
3. ip http server (port 80 listen)

Password Recovery
Must go thru the console cable
2600 Router
1. Power CYcle
3. confreg 0x2142
4. reset

2500 Router
1. Power CYcle
3. 0/r 0x2142

**Change the register back to 0x2102
1. enable
2. confi t
3. enable secret cisco
4. write
5. conf t
6. config-reg 0x2102

* Privilege Level 1 most restrict - Level 15 admin

Format Router
1. write erase
2. reload

1. vlan 50
2. name 3P
3. conf t
4. int fa0/0
5. switchport access vlan 50
6. show vlan brie
7. show flash (stored vlan info)

* delete vlan.dat (Clean VLAN info)

RESET Switches Password
1. Hyper Terminal
2. Power Cycle
3. Hold Mode Button and Power On,
Release after the STAT LED goes out
4. Flash Init
5. load_helper
6. dir flash:
7. rename flash:config.text
8. boot
9. n
10. en
11. rename flash:config.old flash:config.text
12. copy flash:config.text system:running-config
13. config t
14. enable secret cisco
15. exi
16. dis en

Configure EIGRP
1. conf t
2. router [eigrp] [autonomous number]
3. network [] [, REVERSE MASK]

Redistribution for Routing Protocol
1. router eigrp [500]
2. redistribute rip metric 100000 1000 255 1 1500

1. router rip
2. redistribute eigrp 500 metric 2

Prepare for ICND2:
1. Frame Relay
2. VLAN trunking protocol, spanning tree protocol
3. RP-> OSPF
4. Wildcard Mask
5. IPV6-> OSPFv3, RIPng

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